Within Dynamics you have a module called the application integration
framework which allows you to trade XML messages electronically.
Firstly, identify whether this is available via licence.. options to
configure AIF for document exchange within the BASIC folder.
Unfortunately, cannot seem to attach documents otherwise would send
you the instructions.. Can also build XML documents manually using
below functionality..
To create an XML file in Microsoft Dynamics AX, follow these steps:
1. Create a new job. To do this, click Open on the File menu,
and then click Application Object Tree. Right-click Jobs, and then
click New Job.
2. In the editor, type the following code:
static void XMLWriteVendorList(Args _args)
XMLDocument xmlDoc = XMLDocument::newBlank();
XMLNode rootNode;
VendTable vendTable;
VendTransOpen vendtransOpen;
DialogButton db;
rootNode = xmlDoc.documentElement();
rootNode = xmlDoc.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement('VendorList'));
db = Box::yesNo('Create VendorList.xml in C/
\:',Dialogbutton::Yes,'Specify an option');
if (db == DialogButton::Yes)
while select vendTable
join vendtransOpen
where vendTable.AccountNum==vendtransOpen.AccountNum
NodeVend = rootNode.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeName = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeAddr = nodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeCurrency = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeCredit = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeAmount = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeTransDate = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
NodeDueDate = NodeVend.appendChild(xmlDoc.createElement
Box::info('File created in C:','Operation Finished');
else if (db==DIalogbutton::No)
Box::warning('You chose to NOT create the file','Operation
3. Run this job in Microsoft Dynamics AX. When you do this, the
following VendorList.xml file is generated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<VendName> Coho Winery </VendName>
<VendAddr>1234 W. 5th Ave., Lion, GA 34589</VendAddr>
<VendName> Coho Winery </VendName>
<VendAddr>1234 W. 5th Ave., Lion, GA 34589 </VendAddr>
<VendName> Coho Winery </VendName>
<VendAddr>1234 W. 5th Ave., Lion, GA 34589 </VendAddr>
<VendName> Northwind Traders </VendName>
<VendAddr>456 Main Ave., Robert, MN 98769</VendAddr>
<VendName>Tailspin Toys </VendName>
<VendAddr>789 Martin St., Smithtown, GA 31095</VendAddr>
<VendName>Woodgrove Bank</VendName>
<VendAddr>4567 Main St., Buffalo, NY 98052</VendAddr>
<VendName> Woodgrove Bank </VendName>
<VendAddr>4567 Main St., Buffalo, NY 98052</VendAddr>
<VendName> Lucerne Publishing</VendName>
<VendAddr>456 North St., Richardville, Canada A1B 2C3</VendAddr>
How to read an XML file
You can use the following methods to read XML files in Microsoft
Dynamics AX:
Read the XML file line by line. When you do this, you can
confirm that the correct tags are used for the data.
Use the microsoft.xmldom COM object. This method is the
easiest method.
To use the microsoft.xmldom COM object to read an XML file that is
saved in drive C that is named "VendorList.xml", follow these steps:
1. Create a job. To do this, click Open on the File menu, and
then click Application Object Tree. Right-click Jobs, and then click
New Job.
2. In the editor, type the following sample code:
static void XMLReadVendorList(Args _args)
XMLDocument doc;
XMLParseError xmlError;
int i;
// Read the XML Document
doc = new XMLDocument();
// Verify Document Structure
xmlError = doc.parseError();
if(xmlError && xmlError.errorCode() != 0)
throw error(strFmt("Error: %1",xmlError.reason()));
// Parsing document contents
rootNode = doc.documentElement();
// Get all Vendor information from XML document tags (and remove
NodeVend = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//Vendor");
NodeName = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendName");
NodeAddr = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendAddr");
NodeCurrency = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendCurr");
NodeCredit = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendCredit");
NodeAmount = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendAmountCurr");
NodeTransDate = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendTransDate");
NodeDueDate = rootNode.selectSingleNode("//VendDueDate");
// From here you can use the retrieved information to insert the
data into a temporary table or
// process the data to obtain results
// Print gathered information from XML file
3. Run this job in Microsoft Dynamics AX. This code reads the
VendorList.xml file that is stored in drive C and then displays the
data in an information box. You can do any of the following tasks
with the data:
Insert this data into a temporary table.
Process this data to obtain results.
Print the data.
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